Thursday, October 26, 2023

Solo Session 12; A New and a Well-Hydrated Party.

Session 12; Beginning (and ending) on the 25th of October. 

Chaucer of Joggerberry.

Cleric 1st Level.

Ugly Lucky.

Thief 1st Level.

Slick Sam.

Thief 1st Level.

Fighting Pete Norx.

Fighter 1st Level. 

‘Tough’ Pine Norx.

Fighter 1st Level.

Jeb Smith.

Explorer 1st Level. 

The party sets out from the town of Punishment for the north with a rather simple goal.  Chaucer of Joggerberry, intent on realizing the vision of his long dead mentor intends to civilize the worst of all islands, Corosicalta. He brings with brings the two Norx brothers and two substance abusers helped into a more righteous lifestyle by his teachings. Chaucer gives a speech as to the vision and the righteous Jeb Smith, long time wanderer, joins them as expertise on the topic of traveling the local countryside, devoting a mule to the service.  

They are going to begin cleansing the Grave of Fell Heroes, the most likely origin to the numerous and diverse evil monsters that keep the island in its current barren state, while Silvans yearn for new lands to which to immigrate.  The party, thanks to their skillful local guide make quickly for the grave, when they are confronted by a five-headed hydra. There is an attempt to escape it, but the hydra is determined and Chaucer calls on his party to fight bravely. It races over the hills and the party takes up a defensive stance.  Assuming it comes at them most aggressively, it will take a few rounds to get into close combat.  However, this advantages offset by the hydra being of the regenerating sort.  They begin shooting at it at long range, with one of the thieves scoring a lucky hit.  The hydra, screeching through all five heads, keeps coming.  Most of their other shots miss or bounce off the gleaming scales and the party stands ready for conflict.  The Hydra rushes forward in its rage and the fighters try desperately to block it.  But their weapons are turned on the scales. Ugly Lucky, misses by an even greater margin.  Chaucers strength is too inferior to the task and his mace bounces without crushing scales.  The Hydra attacks, dropping the cleric and the two thieves into negative numbers.  The explorer is so startled as to miss.  

Next round the two fights and the explorer began by trying to flee again. This is unsuccessful and the hydra chases them.  The explorer tries to drop one of its heads, and succeeds in doing this, but that is all he can do, before the hydra gets into biting range. Surprisingly, these bites are less successful and Pete suffers only 2 damage.  In despair of escaping they make the rebuttal, attacking with spears.  This does a further 7 damage, dropping another head.

Unfortunately, another two heads sprout and the third round of combat happens.  The explorer goes first, but his sword work is insufficient to the task, while the fighters destroy another head.  All but one of the party fall and perish on the spot.  'Tough' Pine Norx, to stupid to run (he had the misfortune of 4s on intelligence and wisdom), stands defiant against the hydra, vaguely aware that it is stronger than when they started fighting it. He is torn apart where he stands.  


Once again the danger of going anywhere out of town on Corosicalta is proven in the blood of adventurers.  Hydras are pretty cool, though admittedly my heart somewhat sank at seeing that it of was the regenerating variety.  An interesting question though; suppose one was to destroy the head of a hydra and then have a cleric lay hands on it.  Could they heal the stump in such a way that the heads did not regrow?  I was unable to test this and am very much in multiple minds on the subject.  What say the veterans of ACKs?

This was pretty fun, though admittedly their intention of hitting the Grace of Fell Heroes was because that should have been safer than patrolling, especially with an explorer.  Such was not to be. 

Also side note, ACKs II is currently doing a kickstarter... so look that up if you are interested.

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