Back in late September I organized a campaign ruleset from a few sources. The general pitch is that in a weird and alternate world other powers than Spain were allowed to rush for the treasures of the new world. This main document will be referee's/game designers view point, while links out of the document will lead to the ruleset, different player's after action accounts and something of a source list.
The Rules and Set Up.
To follow the #noprep lifestyle that was being popularized on twitter at publishing time, I attempted to minimize as much preparations as possible, given that we were not using a stable rule system. One of the players was conscripted to work out casualty tables (these had to be expanded in mid-campaign, but otherwise worked excellently), and also played a game of Rise of the Inkas | CATAN. He then kept a list of what happened in that game which became the pregame lore for the native tribes in this game.
The final state of the prequel game. |
The map that the players got to work with.
Light gray=Mountains.
Light Green=fields. Medium green=forests. Dark green///Dark Gray=Jungles. Brownish-gray tan=plains. The bright spot with a crater in it= Nuclear Wasteland. The bright yellow spot=Bioweapon Wasteland |
We also used the ruleset of an unpublished superhero game called Reddest Moon as a basis for many of the ahistorical elements that will become obvious to anyone reading through. By timeline the events of the Catan game end and then a modern-ish city, through supervillain type shenanigans, is dumped into the world of the Inca. This setting was then left to simmer for one hundred years before five primer powers from 'Europa' came and tried their luck.
Speaking of luck, one of the core mechanics of this game is the quest/luck roll. See the quest list for a more complete idea of what is going on, though to be clear, this list was mostly kept hidden from the players.
Kingdom of the Danes and Ireland=Green.
Portuguese Emirates=Yellow.
Spain=WhiteThe Codien Empire (Dutch/Danes)=Orange.
Pre-game background. (Written by the players for their own ends.)
General Outline of the Events.
First Landing Sites. |
Part of the way through the second turn (many maps were lost in a art program crash). The little black circle is a native tribe that somehow allied with the Griswold forces. |
Early Irish Expansion. |
Another tribe is revealed and the Irish keep spreading, at expense of the Spanish. |
Turn 5 and we have a whole bunch of spreading of various powers. The Portuguese finding and also somehow making friends with another local tribe. We also have a moment of complete Irish encirclement. More importantly, the Dutch conquer the allied native city in zone 11 and plunder it. They spilt the plunder with the Spanish. |
There was an Irish/Griswoldian attempt to seize zone 11. It failed. |
Quests resulted in three large bits of the forest being reduced to ashes. The Spanish and the Dutch united and took the native city in 41 that had been allied to the Portuguese. |
The Griswold/Irish forces had again attacked zone 11 and seized it from the Dutch. (My art program crashed and the best option at the time was to to use a secret map. The yellow circles indicate the areas most influenced by the non-native civilizations one hundred years ago.) |
Movement towards the beginning of the 9th turn. Many native cities were captured, destroyed and plundered or liberated from the horrors of the other world, varying from force to force or location to location. |
Final Map. |
Final Scoring. (Also a link to the player After Action Reports.)
Irish//Danes 227 victory points.
Dutch//Danes. 170 victory points.
Portugal//Morocco. 163 victory points.
Griswold. 69 victory points.
Spain. 57 victory points.
A large amount of memes and art were drawn or harvested throughout and after the campaign. Most of this was hastily put together by request despite multiple program crashes, before duties compelled me to ignore the last few others. The hand drawn are put together by a wife of one of the players
The Irish Prince Boru and one of his knights charging beneath a projected banshee, conjured of 'unknown' means. |
Boru pulling an arm off a dragon. |
Depiction of Irish greed, after the player found a means of turning led to gold. |
Dutch and Spanish dividing the spoils of the new world. |
Griswold ship driving off a Spanish-friendly sea serpent. |
Dutch poison troopers seen through the eyes of someone they wrongfully killed. |
El Cid, one of the prominent Spanish knights, holding the Shield of Immortality, the mysterious Red Stone, wearing the crab armor and other rare artifacts, while commanding his sea life bodyguards. |
The Spanish Flagship; El Dragon Marino |
Prince Boru riding in tournament against Roland the Spanish, with his ice weapons. |
The fortifications in zone 11 |
Attack on zone 11. |
One of the Irish knights striking a Dutch knight a mortal blow. |
A Dutch priest praying for safety after a strange portal to places unknown opened. |
The Dutch and Spanish celebrate the First Thanksgiving in this timeline. |
Portuguese forces are defeated by Spanish Da Vinci style 'tanks.' |
Portuguese knight having an unfortunate experience with a cave full of mushrooms. |
Portuguese chapel, built in a crack opened by an earthquake. |
A Griswold knight directing ensorcelled Spanish peasantry into a trap. |
El Cid defeating a giant crab which had been causing religious deviations. |
Spider dogs? I wasn't there for this part... |
Irish and Griswold gun batteries firing at zone 11 |
Irish knights, heavy cavalry, large wolves and giants attacking a native tribe. |
Portuguese killing a tribe of fishmen that had tried to pass themselves off as gods to the locals. Also burning their palaces and temples. |
The Irish flagship; Grace O'Malley |
The Spanish priest winning a wage negotiation with the lower classes. |
A Portuguese knight getting lost and dying of dehydration deep in a salt mine. Censored by request. |
A different Portuguese knight trading some of his own men for a giant wasp to ride into battle. |
Another Portuguese knight using a wasp as a mount. |
A third Portuguese knight riding a different wasp and preparing to ram an unnatural looking flower.
Phonica's Pictures.  |
The fateful salt mine. |
A Spanish knight and giant spider. |
The Mushroom Cave. |
Names of players have been censored out. |
Another view of Prince Boru to kill the dragon, some how |
One of the numerous attempted poisonings from the Dutch player. |
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