Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Session 19; The Short Patrol.

 Session 19; Begun on the 20th of November and finished on the 21st of November Of 2023. 

This party was rolled up sometime before the 10th, but due to business this was not played until the 20th.  25+ characters were rolled up, per the alternate character generation rules presented in the ACKs rulebook.  

New Party; The Light Feet. 
Alexander the Red of Reward.
Man-at-Arms 1st Level.
18 Strength +3
15 Intelligence +1
16 Wisdom +2
12 Dexterity 0
11 Constitution 0
11 Charisma 0

Tough Arnius.
Thug 1st Level.
14 Strength +1
6 Intelligence -1
9 Wisdom 0
14 Dexterity +1
16 Constitution +2
11 Charisma 0

Grammerius the Sturdy.
Thug 1st Level.
15 Strength +1
11 Intelligence 0
13 Wisdom +1
9 Dexterity 0
16 Constitution +2
9 Charisma 0

Malagate the Clever.
Thug 1st Level. 
14 Strength +1
16 Intelligence +2
9 Wisdom 0
14 Dexterity +1
15 Constitution +1
14 Charisma +1

Clelia of Reward.
Blade-Initiate 1st Level.
14 Strength +1
16 Intelligence +2
15 Wisdom +1
14 Dexterity +1
14 Constitution +1
5 Charisma -2

Big Janus.
Man-at-Arms 1st level. 
16 Strength +2
13 Intelligence +1
14 Wisdom +1
11 Dexterity 0
14 Constitution +1
16 Charisma +2 

Also 1 hireling Slinger to guard the horses while the party are delving into Dungeons, be they ever so foul. (We will name him Hanno the Handy.).  We will roll up his stats if it becomes necessary.  

On the morning of the 20th this force sets out for the Manor of Bones and Immortal Rest.  Their march speed is the usual 12 miles per day, by letting the two heavily plated fellows ride horses.  At 24 yards distance they see a Chimera burst from the undergrowth.  Both sides are surprised for a moment and then the Light Feet attempt to escape, they are pursued for some distance, but ultimately disappear into the woods.  Delayed somewhat, they set out for the hills.  
After entering the hills they meet another party; this party consists of an assassin, a bard, a Dwarven Craft Priest and an Elven Spellsword.  They are a 1st level party.  They are 90 yards away.  

Now for those who do not know, the Silvans Empire is a human supremacist realm and dwarfs and elves are killed on sight.  As the Light Feet party is led, in matters of orthodoxy, by a lawful cleric (well, blade dancer) they will be attacking on sight.  Neither side are surprised and the characters come together.  (Note, I will use the templates in the standard ACKs book for the npc part’s armament). 

First Round.
The parties move towards one another, fairly slowly.  The bard is the first to have range and looses a bolt from his crossbow at Malagate the Clever and it does one damage to him (out of 6).  Big Janus charges, the craft priest tiress a counter attack, but fails and Big Janus with his lance and charges the Spellsword, piercing him, but not killing him with his well handled lance (5 damage out of 6).  Alexander prepares his own charge and he is fired on with a magic missile by the elf.  He takes the hit (2 out of 5 hit points) and presses his lance firmly at the Spellsword, and through the elf’s chainmail he pierces! (+3 strength feels good!). Then he cleaves for the foul dwarf, but its shield and armor were enough to hold off it.  The assassin now rushes Big Janus, both blades extended, but they are unable to cut honest plate and shield and he is thwarted.  

Somehow the morale of the npc party is such that they keep fighting. 

Second Round.
Big Janus exchanges thrusts about with his lance and he targets the foul dwarf, piercing a crack in his armor, immediately bleeding him out.  Big Janus cleaves and stabs at the bard but misses.  The back line continues coming forward, but remain out of range, at least before the assassin attacks at Big Janus again, this time slipping a blade through and bringing him down, even to falling off his horse (-5 hit points currently) It then cleaves for Alexander but fails to pierce his armor.  Alexander will not stand for this foul deed and drives his lance at the assassin, he pierces and kills him.  He then cleaves for the bard, and kills him as well.  

In the aftermath of the battle, Big Janus is attended to.  Sadly, despite being a comparatively light injury, the healing of the blade dancer was insufficient to help, and he died at evening.  Where now is the horse and where the rider? (The healer could only heal 2 hp normally and 2 hp from lay on hands, which was two short for survival.)  His armor and gear is collected and cleaned, while the other bodies are plundered.  1250 silver pieces were found, an agate (25), and a wrought silver brooch is found (400 gp), along the goods and gear in the starting packs.  These are as follows.  (Som of the stuff has been discarded or broke in the salvaging process. (Also note that the iron rations are not to be sold, but were collected,))

36g, musical instrument (25gp), Broken strapped-engraved banded plate armor (30 gp), steel holy symbol (craft insignia) (25gp), craftsman’s tools (25), chainmail armor (40), (181 gp)

4 Backpacks, 8 weeks rations.  spell book with magic missile. elven composite bow, quiver with 20 arrows, embroidered cloak. 

This gives a total of 731, Or shares of 121.  (Note, since I don’t know how to work mercenary shares, I rolled to have him become a henchmen and then accepted into the full group.  He accepted.)

The night is spent there and then party turns back for Punishment, to sell what is gathered. Punishment is those reached on the 21st and the goods are sold.

Following a different solo player’s model of taking one fight and then running has generally worked out for this party.  Other than Janus.  Sad.  We will see how they fair in the future. 

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