Sunday, November 12, 2023

Solo Session 17; The End of the Green Mountain Company.

 Session 17; From November 11th to November 16th 2023. 

And after waiting for time compression to catch up, the two parties (or party particles) return or at least attempt to return for Cosoricalta.  

The wind is checked and from the 11th it coming from the Northwest (or directly against us) and the ship is forced to wait in Reward’s Harbor.  On the next day (the 12th), the wind weakens, but continues to come from the west. However, after refilling our water and provender, the winds shift.  They are weak (moderate breeze) but the from the north east and the ship is ready.  With this favorable wind, the sailing ship quickly crosses over the intervening channel in short order without trouble, arriving before night of the 13th.  Bede’s Party disappears into the town of Punishment (I will work with them on the 13th or later.). The Green Mountain company reassemble and compare notes.  

Jorham Hill. (Busted Knee)
Outrider 2nd Level. 1357 xp. 
Charles of Bramshire. (Busted Knee)
Outrider 2nd Level. 1357 xp.
Jonathan Bower.
Outrider 2nd Level. 1524 xp.
Bradford of Rice Manor.
Acoylte 2nd Level.  2192 xp.
Tilly the Kid Mage.
Seer 2nd Level. 1192 xp.

+ 2 Henchmen.
Unhealthy Causarius. 
Sturdy Robustus. 

And the following mercenaries.
23 horse archers
16 light cavalry 
7 medium cavalry

This whole force is capable of being mounted and thus they gather information.  Amusingly, much of the available information would come from Bede’s party, including the knowledge of the Ogre Village.  And frankly, I kind of think it is time for me to learn the arts of ACKs battle combat.  For reference and record there are 55 Common Male Ogres, +43 Female Ogres, +29 young ogres  +10 sub-chieftains and a great chieftain.  However, after looking at how the battle rating works, I am thinking we will look for a softer foe first.  55 ordinary ogres are more powerful than the entire Green Mountain Company by about twenty percent (give or take) and thus field combat with them is extremely unenviable.  

Having thus established this, the Green Mountain company rides out of Punishment towards the place most susceptible to raiding, Musk’s Monolith.  To accommodate the supply mules, the force only moves at a very leisurely 12 miles per day, while the company  rides, Tilly the Kid Mage considers the needs of claiming the monolith and making it a hold for them.  The party thus is setting out on the morning of the 14th. Due to a failed exploration check (HOW!) they wander into the near by forest, before correcting and aiming back for the sea, otherwise meeting nothing.  On the morning of the 15th they again struggle to find direction, but otherwise make their way slowly down the coast, stopping in the evening to feed and water the horses.  For the third day in a row the exploration roll is failed (weeps) and the party finds themselves wandering towards the area on the map marked as the ‘Inhuman village.’  However, knowing that they should not be in the woods, they leave the woods before meeting or even finding out these inhuman creatures true nature and make for the sea and towards the monolith.  15 griffons burst up, some 45 yards away, and the men all look on with some concern.  

(I note some confusion with the fluff/rules as written.  It says that the griffons like horseflesh (who among us does not) and if they fail their morale roll automatically attack.  I rolled a 12 on the morale table.  For the purposes of Griffon’s eating horses is this a fail?  (12 says ‘victory or death’.).   I have, in my capacity as Judge decided that this means the griffons are very hungry and will be attacking.

The initiative is now to be rolled.  Somehow both sides are surprised, so no free shots.  

(Following the advice as seen somewhere or other, all units of the same class or monsters of the same type are rolled as one. This method will be used throughout the battle.)
15 Griffons 5
23 horse archers 4
16 light cavalry 6 
7 medium cavalry 4
The party proper. 
Jorham Hill. (Busted Knee) 6
Outrider 2nd Level.
Charles of Bramshire. (Busted Knee) 3 
Outrider 2nd Level. 
Jonathan Bower. 5
Outrider 2nd Level. 
Bradford of Rice Manor. 4 
Acoylte 2nd Level.  
Tilly the Kid Mage. 3
Seer 2nd Level. 
The henchmen will be holding the mules (I forgot to equip them, so no bows and arrows for them.)

The light cavalry await the Griffons charge before casting their javelins, while Jorham Hill knocks a bow, as does Jonathan Bower.  The Griffons surge forward at the light cavalry and the leading explorers.  (As they were attacking from low altitude, I have ruled that they cannot do a dive attack,) As they reach close range, a shower of javelins cuts one of the griffon down, while the two explorers target another (7 damage).  The griffons each make attacks at different targets, as given their wingspan, that is about as much as they can fit.  The leader is attacked with a powerful bite and claws to his horse, before the griffon is forced to land.  Bower’s horse is badly bitten, and dies.  Bower falls for 4 damage.  The rest of the light cavalry virtually evaporate, as men and horses are torn apart by the lion eagle hybrids and Bower is also killed.  (Note, due to cleaves the light horse have basically no chance.  Stay no to fighting griffons at close range.)

For the rebuttal, the horse archers fire a furious barrage at the winged lions, targeting them by who is nearest.  (Note, this matters for overkill, but not for cleave as mercenaries are technically 0th level and cannot cleave).  They successfully kill an especially thin and mangy one, but other than that are unable to bring another down.  The cleric Bradford and the medium cavalry, like Roland and the Bishop rush open the lions in full charge.  They ride two abreast, so as to maximize their hitting potential, and all of the lances strike great blows. (I really enjoy the charge mechanic combined with lances.  Medium cavalry really have the feel of knights)  Bramshire shoots and kills the griffon that was the secondary target of the horse archers, and then shifts his aim to another, again killing it.  He shifts for a third shot, but misses. (Note, this was an error, as charges do not move cavalry past the target, which is what I was picturing, technically shooting should have only been done at unengaged griffons)  Tilly the Kid raises his hand and shoots a magic missile at one of the griffons that is not engaged in combat, and does minor damage to it. 

Suspringly, the morale roll is an effective 13 on the human side, matching the insane determination of the Griffons and there is no further consideration for retreat on either side.  Victory or death.  Given that monsters can cleave and the mercenaries cannot, this looks like a potential party wipe, but we keep going. 

Tilly the Kid ain’t looking to get hit and he casts Shield on himself.  The 7 who would be knights and their horses fight back against the horde of flesh and wings, they kill two with a terrifying output of damage (mostly from angry horse hoofs), while injuring a third.  Charles of Bramshire sinks an arrow into an undamaged target as it looked for a new target to feed on, before the griffons begin to attack about them.  One attacks for the priest, but his every attack fails, showing the man’s faithfulness and the creature’s own injuries.  Another attacks at the dismounted leader and brings him down, before coming towards the knights.  Meanwhile, three griffons have rushed around the knights and try to attack the horse archers. That knight falls and the creature cleaves for his horse, it is not killed but heavily wounded and with its rider’s corpse will flee. Another knight is killed and another horses savaged (1 damage) The third knight is attacked catches the attacks of teeth and class on his strong shield and though blood drips profusely, he holds the line.  The last griffon in this group attacks the next knight, greatly destroying him and wounding his horse very badly. 
Some yards back, where the horse archers wait, the three next griffons have come. The first, though means extraordinary, his leather armor holds back fangs and claws.  The next killed and his horse savaged so that it runs.  The last griffon bites through leather and draws blood in other places, but the archer remains in his seat.  The 22 living horse archers then return attacks, 7 to a beast 8 on the third.  Or at least the first group tries, but the others let their horses try to step on their foes, as that seems more effective.  None are killed, but the hoofs of even light warhorses prove terrifying in their damage. (Note; horses are better at fighting than 0th level fighters, so it is not a bad scheme.)

Round 3. (Below are the current combat effectives and initiative.)
8 Griffons. 3
22 horse archers 4 
4 medium cavalry 5
Charles of Bramshire. (Busted Knee) 6
Bradford of Rice Manor. 4 
Tilly the Kid Mage. 5
Charles Bramshire, having no room to shoot, rides his horse up to the first rank and tries to have his horse attack a Griffon.  Tilly, still entrapped in his magical shield, follows doing the same, but his horse shies back at the last moment.  Then the knights and their mounts begin to strike back at their targets.  One is lanced through the eye and perishes, but otherwise the knights and horses both seem to be flagging achieving no other hits (battlefield note; eeek).  Bradford the Cleric cannot hit anyone, but his horse does some damage.  The horse archers work hard to finish their targets, now having ranged around they slash and let their horses fight steadily, until all three are killed.  (Amusingly, since I was rolling all the horses at once, per group, two of the griffons were killed exclusively by hoofs, and the last only needed two of its damage done by scimitars).  The four remaining griffons prepare to fight. Tilly is torn off his horse and sorely used, his shield sparking ineffectually as he is brought down to -11 damage.  His horse is killed, before the griffon kills one of the knights and savages its horse.  The next attacks that horse and does some damage to it.  The third griffon goes for the 3rd knight and shreds both him and then his horse, before attacking and wounding the 4th knight.  The 4th griffon goes for Charles of Bramshire and he is brought exactly to zero.  It then brings claws and jaws against the cleric, but only scratches him (badly) 1 hit remaining.  

Round 4.  
4 Griffons. 6 
22 horse archers 6
Bradford of Rice. 1 

The Griffon attacking at Bradford continues and brings him down to -1 hit points.  Then it savages the horse badly.  The remaining three Griffons with growls and rage race at the remaining horse archers.  The first kills 4 men and 3 horses, hitting its max cleaves in moments.  The second manages to get 7 cleaves as well (4 men, 3 riders), while the third wounds a loose horse, before it bolts.  The remaining forces have their horses ride and fight against them. (2 +11 hits d4s is better than 1 +10 d6s).  They greatly batter two of the nearer Griffons.   

Round 5.
4 Griffons 1
16 Horse archers 2.
The remaining horse archers
The horse archers and their horses beat and stab two more griffons to death.  The remaining two then attack.  The first gets its full seven cleaves (3 men 4 horses.). The second flies over and attacks as well, killing 3 men and 2 horses.  

Round 6.  
2 Griffons 4 
10 horse archers 1 
4 guys and 3 horses go down to the first.  The second kills 2 men and three horses.  They lash back heavily but they do not succeed.  The griffons win.  

Battle Conclusion.
The 4 remaining mercenaries, the two henchmen, the mules and all that they have are killed.  


Wow I did not expect that result.  Lesson, flying lions are terrifying and armor is really good.  I really liked this party and am sad to see them killed, but the road to advancement is paved in the bodies of the slain 1st and 2nd level characters.  

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